Science questions asked in previous year

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1. Which planet is considered as the Dwarf planet?

Answer- Pluto

For more information about the solar system, please CLICK HERE   

2.  Sandstone is which type of rock?

Answer- Sedimentary Rock

For more question on rock please CLICK HERE 

3. What is the SI unit of Force?

Answer- Newton

For more SI units please CLICK HERE

4. Hemoglobin is an important component _______cell.

Answer- red blood cells
5. Anaemia is caused because of deficiency of?

Answer- Iron
6. What is the minimum distance (in metres) required to hear an echo?
      1) 10         2) 13             3) 17              4) 21

Answer- 17 m

To know all about sound please  CLICK HERE

7. Why does a black board appears black in colour?

Answer- It absorbs all the colours

To know all about light and human eye please CLICK HERE
8.  Which metal is used for galvanization?

Answer- Zinc 

To know all about metal and non- metal please CLICK HERE

9. What is dry ice?

Answer- Solid Carbon dioxide
10. Who discovered X-rays?

Answer- W. C. Roentgen  
11. Land covers about ______ of the earth's surface

Answer- 30%
12. The uppermost layer over the earth's surface is called the ______

Answer- Crust
13. The scientific name of human being is?

Answer- Homo Sapiens
14. Meter in a vehicle that calculates distance covered by the vehicle is called __________

Answer- Odometer
15. What is the SI unit of pressure?

Answer- Pascal
16. Which state of matter is highly compressible?

Answer- Gas
17. - ___________ gases absorb long wave (infrared) radiation from the earth and emit it again towards the earth.

Answer- Greenhouse

To know more about air and pollution please CLICK HERE

18. Which is the longest bone in human body?

Answer- Femur
19. In unicellular organisms, all functions like digestion, respiration and reproduction are performed by a how many cell(s)?

Answer- 1
20. Xylem helps in transportation of which of the following?

Answer- Water
21. What is the other name of Galileo's law of falling bodies?

Answer- Newton's first law
22. Which acid is released when an Ant bites?

Answer- Formic Acid
23. Gravitational force is maximum at which part of earth?

Answer:-  At poles
24. Which of the following device is used to measure humidity?

Answer-  Hygrometer
25. At what temperature (in Fahrenheit) pure water freezes?

Answer- 32
26. Which metal is generally used for making filaments of bulb?

Answer- tungsten
27. Marble comes under which category of rocks?

Answer- Metamorphic
28. Which organ has finger like outgrowths which are called as Villi (Singular Villus)?

Answer: Small Intestine  

Know all about the digestive system, please CLICK HERE 
29. What are isobars?

Answer:-  Elements with different atomic number but same mass number
30. Which component of blood carries oxygen to various parts of human body?

Answer: Red blood cells
31. Which of the following function is performed by the kidneys in the human body?

Answer- Excretion
32. In the following reaction, fill in the blank. Acid + Base → _______ + Water

Answer- Salt
33. Who discovered bacteria?

Answer- Antonie Ven Leeuwenhoek

For more question about microorganism please CLICK HERE   
34. What is the name of a group of similar cells performing a specific function?

Answer- Tissue
35. It is difficult to fix a nail on a freely suspended wooden frame. Which law supports this statement?

Answer- Newton's third law

35. pH of the human blood is ______.

Answer- Slightly Basic

36. Which of the following is the most abundant metal on Earth's crust?

Answer- Aluminium
37. Which type of micro-organism causes diseases like polio and chicken pox?

Answer- Virus
38. What is the SI unit of frequency?

Answer- Hertz
39. Red data book contains?

Answer- All endangered species
40. Nephron is related to which of the following system of human body?

Answer:  Excretory system
41. Which Vitamin is obtained from Sun rays?

Answer: Vitamin D
42. What is the SI unit of electric current?

Answer- Ampere
43. Which blood group is universal acceptor?

Answer: AB+
44. If objects appear enlarged and inverted in a rear view mirror, then which type of mirror is used?

Answer: Concave
45. Which of the following is a characteristic of an exothermic reaction?

Answer: Release of heat
46. What is the chemical formula for Sodium Chloride (Salt)?

Answer- NaCl

47. What is SI unit of wavelength?

Answer- meter
48. What is the SI unit of energy?

Answer- Joule

49. who discover the cell and when? 

Answer- Robert hook 1665 

50. Morning star as well as evening star is the name given to?

Answer - planet Venus

