Osb India Matter DPP

1. Define matter
2. What is Latent heat of fusion?

3. Define Evaporation
4. Write the factor affecting evaporation?
5. Why do we were cotton clothes in summer?
6. How water come on the surface of glass containing ice cold water?
7. What is sublimation?
8. Give two example of sublimation
9. Write three characteristics of particle of matter?
10. Why does not temperature change when 0oc Ice heated up to change it in 0oc water?
11. Convert 300 K into Celsius
12. Why 100OC steam cause more severe burn then 100OC water.
13. Covert 250OC into Kelvin
14. Suggest a method to liquefy atmospheric gases.
15. Why does our palm feel cold when we put some acetone or petrol or perfume on it?
16. Why are we able to sip hot tea or milk faster from a saucer rather than a cup?
17. Give reason for the following observations. (a) Naphthalene balls disappear with time without leaving any solid.
(b) We can get the smell of perfume sitting several meters  away.
18. Why the level of water does not increase when we dissolve sugar in it?
19. When we drop few drop of ink in water it spread evenly throughout the water. Why?
20. A diver is able to cut through water in a swimming pool. Which property of matter does this observation show?
21. Give reasons for the following observation: The smell of hot sizzling food reaches you several metres away, but to get the smell from cold food you have to go close.
22. What is the full form of LPG and CNG
23. Write all five state of Matter?
24. Arrange Solid, Liquid and gas in ascending order according of rate of diffusion? 

25. Why Ice converted into water when Ice gets heated?
26. What is dry Ice?
27. Why Evaporation cause cooling ?
28. Why in hot sunny day, people sprinkle water on the roof or open ground?
29. Name the process which occurs when a drop of dettol is added to water.
30. To which physical state of matter do the following statements apply?
(i) Incompressible, no fixed shape (ii) Compressible, no definite volume
31. Define density and give its SI unit.
32. Why do the gases exert more pressure on the walls of the container than the solids?
33. Why do the doctors advise to put strips of wet cloth on the forehead of a person having high fever?
34. Why do wet clothes dry quickly in the sun than in the shade?
35. Why do wet clothes dry quickly under fan?
36. Substance ‘A’ has high compressibility and can be easily liquefied. It can take up the shape of any container. Predict the nature of the substance. Enlist four properties of this state of matter.
37. Suggest an activity to show that the rate of diffusion of liquids decreases with increase in density of the liquid.
38. How does evaporation differ from boiling?
39. A small volume of water in a kettle can fill a kitchen with steam’. Explain why.
40. What is diffusion?
41. What happen to the rate of diffusion if the temperature is increased?
42. A balloon when kept in sun, bursts after some time. Why?
43. Why do people perspire a lot on a hot humid day?
44. What about a rubber band, can it change its shape on stretching? Is it a solid?
45. What about sugar and salt? When kept in different jars these take the shape of the jar. Are they solid?
46. What about a sponge? It is a solid yet we are able to compress it. Why?
