1. Name the device used to measured pressure?
2. How pressure depend on depth?
3. How many colour does the white light contains?
4. Which part of eye maintain the focal length of and form image on retina?
5. What is the SI unit of pressure ?
6. Name the metal which can cut easily with knife?
7. Name the non metal which is lustrous?
8. Apple fall down due to which force?
9. Why is not easy to walk on snow?
10. Which mirror is used in ambulance?
11. Which mirror is used in solar cooker?
12. Which mirror is used as shaving mirror?
13. Why food is not cook properly on hills ?
14. Two body attract as well repel sometime. Which type of force is act on it ?
15. Name the nonmetal which is good conductor of electricity?
16. Which metal is the best conductor of electricity?
17. Which metal is the best reflector?
18. Light year is the SI unit of which quantities?
19. Which colour of light present in the middle of the rainbow?
20. Why sodium is placed in kerosene?
21. Why water is not appropriate to control the fire of petrol?
22. Which gas is found in highest amount in atmosphere?  
23. Which gas is found in highest amount in universe?
24. The vessels come out from heart is called?
25. How many bone found in human bodies?
26. Which part of cell is called kitchen house of the cell
27. Which part of cell is called suicidal bag?
28. Name the longest bone of our body?
29. Name the shortest bone of our body?
30. To protect to iron we cover the iron with zinc this process is called ?
31. What is the speed of light in vacuum?
32. To change ice to water is known as which type of change?
33. By beating the metal by convert a piece of metal in thin sheet is called ?
34. Name the outer boundary of plant cell?
35. Name the outer boundary animal cell?
36. The cell which have well defined nucleus membrane is called ?
37. Name the process in which the flow of higher conc. Of substance of lower conc.
38. Name the jelly like of substance present in cell?
39. Name the longest cell of human bodies?
40. The cell which have not well define nucleus is called?
41. Large vocule is present in which type of cell ?
42. Who discover the cell?
43. Name two single cell organism?
44. Diamond is made up of which element?
45. What is name of largest element?
46. The substance which contains properties of metal and nonmetal ?
47. Which nonmetal is necessary to burn something?
48. Which part of eye control the amount of light in eye?
49. Periscope is made of which type of mirror?
50. Which part of plant cell store the food?

