1. What is the SI unit of force?
2. If we increase the area what effect on pressure?
3. Name the largest planet of solar system.
4. Name the only planet where life is possible.
5. Which planet is called morning and evening star?
6. Name the smallest planet of solar system?
7. Name the only planet carry visible ring?
8. Jupiter have how many satellite ?
9. How acid react with litmus paper?
10. Name the three gas responsible for acid rain?
11. Which metal is used in wire of electric bulb?
 12. Sound move fastest in which medium?
13. The conduction of heat in metal is called?
14. How many cm in a feet?
15. Complete digestion of food is take place in?
16. Which gas is liberated after photosynthesis?
17. What is average rate of heartbeat?
18. At which temperature water become ice?
19. Which mirror is used as saving mirror?
20. Which mirror is used as rear view mirror?
21. What is the normal temperature of human body?
22. Name the two effect of electricity?
23. Which acid is found in vinegar?
24. Which acid is found in ant biting?
25. Where is alvoli present in human body?
26. Light year is unit of ?
27. Which force is responsible for falling of apple on the earth?
28. How many time Jupiter is bigger then earth?
29. Name the gas which is taken by plant as breathing?
30. Lens is controlled by which part of eye?
31. What is function of iris?
32. Why the object is not visible when we go in dream light from sunlight?
33. Which mirror is used in periscope?
34. Why star is not visible clearly in summer season?
35. How many planet is solar system?
36. White light is made up of?
37. How many satellite does earth have?
38. Which planet is called red planet?
39. Why pen is not work on space?
40. Which planet is called blue planet?
41. How many days in lunar month?
42. What is the SI unit of pressure?
43. Why the color of leaf is green?
44. Name one advantage and one disadvantage of friction?
45. Which organ pump the blood to all part of the body?
46. Which metal is used in wire of heater?
47. What is the full form of MCB?
48. What is the two law of reflection?
49. Which metal is used for making mirror for polishing it back side?
50. Name the two type of spherical mirror?

