
Showing posts from March, 2019


The solid portion of earth is called lithosphere. The level of seawater remains the same everywhere. Elevation of land is measured from the level of the sea, which is taken as zero. The highest mountain peak mt. Everest 8848 meter above the sea level the greatest depth is 11022 meters is recorded at Mariana trench in the pacific ocean. Seven continent of world Asia- largest continent          Cover 1/3 of land of earth          On eastern hemisphere Europe- lie in west of Asia                Bounded by water on three side Africa- second largest               It is a only continent where equator, tropic of cancer, tropic of Capricorn lie               World largest hot desert Sahara desert lie is South Africa      ...


                                                    Physical maps - maps showing natural feature of the earth such as mountain, Plautus plains, river, oceans etc. are called physical or relief maps   Political maps - maps showing cities town and villages and different countries and state of the world are called political maps. Thematic maps - some maps focus on specific information such as road maps rainfall maps map showing distribution of forest, industries etc are known as thematic maps                           If you have any question you can ask in comment section THANKS FOR WATCHING                                                    ...

Motions of the Earth

                                             Rotation – when planet revolve around on its axis is called rotation Revolution - when planet revolve around the sun is called revolution Earth revolve on elliptical orbit Earth takes 365 day and 6 hour to complete a revolution to the sun and after 4 year one leap year. The longest day and the shortest night is occur on 21 June in north hemisphere 22 December southern hemisphere carry longest day and reverse on southern hemisphere On 21 march and September 23 direct ray fall on the equator at this position neither the pole tilted towards the sun the whole earth experiences equal day and night this is called equinox If you have any question you can ask is comment section THANKS FOR WATCHING                              ...

Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes

Earth moves west to east All parallel circles from the equator upto pole are called latitude 90 o north latitude called North Pole 90 o south latitude called South Pole Four important parallel latitude 1.        Topic of cancer 23 ½   0 north 2.        Tropic of Capricorn 23 ½   0 south 3.        Arctic circle 66 ½ o     north 4.         Antarctic circle 66 ½ o south The mid day sum is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitude in between topic of cancer and tropic of Capricorn this area receives maximum amount of heat so, it is called torrid zone Area bound by the tropic of cancer and arctic   circle in northern hemisphere and area bound by tropic of Capricorn and Antarctic circle is called temperature zone. Area lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in northern hemisphere and An...

The Earth in the Solar System

OUR SOLAR SYSTEM                    The North Star indicate north direction called pole star Mercury is the nearest to the sun Till august 2006 Pluto was considered as a planet but  not now Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus have rings around them. These are belts of small debris. These rings may be seen from the earth with help of powerful microscope. The earth is third nearest planet to the sun. The earth is fifth largest planet Geoids means an earth like shape Earth is also called blue planet The diameter of moon i s ¼ of earth Moon is 384400 km away from earth. The moon moves around earth in 27 day it takes same time to spin on its axis Apart from the stars, planet and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also moves around the sun these are called asteroids it is found between mars and Jupiter The small piece of rock which moves around the sun are called meteoroids sometimes these meteoroid...


                                      1. What is the SI unit of force? 2. If we increase the area what effect on pressure? 3. Name the largest planet of solar system. 4. Name the only planet where life is possible. 5. Which planet is called morning and evening star? 6. Name the smallest planet of solar system? 7. Name the only planet carry visible ring? 8. Jupiter have how many satellite ? 9. How acid react with litmus paper? 10. Name the three gas responsible for acid rain? 11. Which metal is used in wire of electric bulb?  12. Sound move fastest in which medium? 13. The conduction of heat in metal is called? 14. How many cm in a feet? 15. Complete digestion of food is take place in? 16. Which gas is liberated after photosynthesis? 17. What is average rate of heartbeat? 18. At which temperature water become ice? 19. Which mirror is used as saving mirror? 20. Which ...