[Ashish kumar gupta]

As we know that Electricity is the backbone of this modern society. Without Electricity we can’t awake in morning we can’t go ahead without electricity because it is leg and hand of the every people of the society.
As we know that Electricity is come from energy and now day energy conservation is a global matter all country of the world is now worried on pollution and conventional source of energy.
Now question is arise that What is electricity? How it can be produce ?
What is electric shock ? Electricity is useful for us then why someone touch the electric wire get electric shock sometime people die in this chapter we will go through all this question and understand the basic concepts of electricity.
As we all know about electron which is basic constituents of all atom and whole world is made up of atom so electron found in every matter of universe. Electron is also the basic cause of current without electron we never imagine the world of electricity. Electron is only the particles which can move inside the atom it have negative charge. Proton and neutron are also found in atom but both are static found inside the nucleus of the atom. Proton has positive charge and neutron have no charge.
Now we will also understand the basic concepts of conductor and insulator.
Simply The substance carry current is called conductor no matter it solid, liquid and gas and the substance which does not conduct electricity is called insulator in further pages we will learn about conductor and insulator according to other parameter.
The material which carry free electron that conduct electricity. As we know that electron is move inside the atom in zig zag path every moments but when we connect the conductor with a battery the moment of electron in the same direction is called electric current is flowing.
This show that only moment of electron not be called electricity but moment of electron in a unique direction is called electricity. The electricity is not only conduct in solid but also is liquid solution in during Electrolysis. Then question is arise that how current is carrying during electrolysis?

To understand this question we must know about charge. Once again we come across atom in atom number of electron is equal to number of proton if some electron are inserted in atom then atom become negative charge due to access of electron and when the electron is pulled out from the atom its became positive charge as we learn earlier that proton is static and reside in nucleus of the atom and the number of electron respective to proton decide the charge on atom. 

In solid conductor current is carried by free electron but in liquid current is carried by particles ions. The element which carries positive or negative charge called ions.               
During electrolysis the two electrodes are immersed into electrolytic solution and rod having negative charge called Anode and the rod carries positive charge cathode.
The substance which is used in electrolytic solution to carry the current in solution is called electrolytes for example when Nail is dissolve in water it break up into Na+ and Clwhere Na+  is positive ion and Cl-   is negative ion. The positive ions move towards the anode and the negative ions move towards the cathode and this moment of ions work as a charge carrier of electric current in electrolytic solution. It is interesting to note that pure water which having no electrolyte can’t be use in drinking and also pure water can’t carries current due to absence of ion that water is called distilled water. We use mineral water as safe for drinking our body has no ability to accept the distilled water we use mineral   Water for drinking .
It was the concepts of electrolytic conductance now we will understand the concepts on conductance in solid conductor mainly it is assume the metal are the good conductor of electricity and nonmetals are bad conductor of electricity but it is not 100 percent true there are certain acceptation reside in it. Graphite is a non metal but it is a good conductor of electricity.To understand better at first we classify the as per the state of electron. As earlier written that in solid the current carrier are electron and in liquid that is ions. You all do this experiment  in childhood by rubbing the scale in your hair and attract  the piece of paper do you think why this happening and you had also observe in winter season that spark in woolen cloths why this happening ? It is the question of science. Can you think what will happens when the electron is given or pulled from insulator. This transformation of charge is takes place with rubbing two object with each other called friction.

 In the above picture the electron is moving from Animal fur to Ebonite rod then Animal fur make positive charge ebonite rod make negative charge.
As we learn in previous class that UNLIKE CHARGE ATTRACT EACH OTHER AND LIKE CHARGE REPEAL EACH OTHER . In magnetic we will see same.                                                                      
when we add or remove electron from the insulator it get charged and the studies of charge in insulator is called Electrostatics. Now once again on the experiment of scale and hair when we rub the scale on hair the scale became charged but paper have no charge then why scale attract the paper? It can be explain by induction of charge. When you are siting in your class and suddenly your friend came in the class and abuse you then you will became anger here one thing should be observe that your friend induce the anger in you means your friend make you angry without touching you it can said to be induction
of anger. Same thing when we charge any object without touching the object is called induction of charged when we take the scale near the paper then the paper became charged oppositely and paper attracted towards the scale. see in above picture when (a) the positive charged rod brings towards the neutral ball then the electrons are polarized towards the positive rod ans in (b) positive charged is grounding and in (d) you will see the ball is negative charged and here we can see that the ball is charged without contact of rod and ball so this is called induction of charge.
 It was the introduction of electrostatic we will learn more detail about electrostatic in coming pages. Now we across the moving charge or electric current. The charge flowing per unit time is called electric current. Before learning electric current we should learn about the properties of charge.
1-       Quntization of charge
2-       Conservation of charge
3-       Additive nature of charge    
These three are the basic properties of charge. Quantizatin of charge means every charged body has charge multiple of 1.6×10-19 . conservation of charge means charge can neither be created nor be destroy some time charge is created during thunderstorm but both positive and negative charge in equal number when any body get positive charge then other body become negative charged automatically and charge also obey the additive rule means +2c, -4c, +3c can be added as +2c+(-4c)+(+3c) . These are the basic properties of charge. The SI unit of electric charge is coulomb. Now we know about the symbol which we used to learn further studies in this topic


                                                              When a positive charge pulled infinity to a fix point against the positive charge is called electric potential.

Potential and kinetic energy

 Here in diagram we can see that positive test charge is moving against the positive charge due to this the body get energy called potential energy or electric potential
The SI unit of electric potential is volt. One volt is defined as work done carring one joule in one second.
1 volt=1 joule/1second

It is a law in which the relation  between potential difference and current is given as at constant temperature the potential difference id directly proportional to the current of a particular conductor
Mathematically we can write ohm’s law as
                             V ∝ I
                             V= IR
As we know that when we remove the proportionality sign we add some constant term here the constant term is R which is called resistance.
The properties of any material to oppose the current is called resistance.The SI unit of resistance is ohm which is denoted by  Ω
Graphs of ohm’s law is in straight line
There are also many conductor which don't obey the ohm’s law which we learn in further pages .
The substances obey the ohms law called ohmic conductor and the substance do not obey the ohms law is called non ohmic conductor.
Now we explain conductor and insulator as per the resistance of substance the substance which have high resistance are called insulators and the substance having low resistance is called conductor.
Here you can observe that silver have low resistance so it is a good conductor of electricity and the hard rubber has high resistance so it is insulator.
As you seen about your home the high voltage wire are thick and the wire used in yous home are thin do you think why does this happens?
When you use long wire during diwali decoration the bulb glow with low intensity
Why this happening?
Now come to solve the above question
Resistance is depend upon length, cross section and resistivity.
The resistance of wire of unit length and unit cross section is called resistivity.
The area of thickness is called area of cross section
Resistance is directly proportional to length and inversely proportional to the cross section of the wire.
Mathematically we can write as

R  ∝ length
R  ∝ cross section area
Now once again we remove the sign of proportionality by a constant  ρ called resistivity.
and the equation become
R= ρ  
Where R is resistance L is length of wire and A is the area of cross section.

we will learn more about electricity in further blog
thanks for watching please give your suggestion and expectation    
